another thousand eyes
from The Death of Our Invention, released April 6, 2018
here we are.
another thousand dies.
crawl back into my cocoon.
felt the air
for a breath.
felt the smooth
of your caress.
crawl back into my cocoon.
here we are;
another thousand eyes
crawling into our cocoons.
crawling into our cocoons.
crawling into our cocoons.
crawling into our cocoons.
on our hands
from The Last Garden, released November 5, 2021
this is where you'll find us,
gone away before our time.
no-one likes a sad song.
so pretend the blood don't matter,
pretend it's not on our hands;
we've got a tree in our garden
and a fish in our pond.
we've got a tree in our garden
and a fish in our pond.
Birds of Passage is an ambient, minimalist, experimental music project about the anthropocene, by the New Zealand poet and singer-songwriter Alicia Merz.
WE WILL BEAR WITNESS to this moment in history. This media project features stories from earth's citizens, recording climate destruction, devastation, resilience and hope. Tell your story.