WE WILL BEAR WITNESS to our world. This media project collects stories from earth's citizens, recording climate destruction, devastation, resilience and hope.
Tell your story.
The bowl of human pain is full
I wish he remembered the treatment
I wish a sip of that Ahura's love would give refreshing poetry to this absurdity of human beings
And call me guilty of love, take me away
A cold disease has hit every alley and every alley
Cities are in a frenzy
I wish the warmth of honor in the cage would be released and give sanctity to the chained bloods
I read the ad and thought it was strange
I wish the warmth of courage would hit him in his sleep..
And the fields are all barren and under the rule of hundreds of mice..
The ravens are by collusion all the guests and the farmers who are sleeping in their skin and dreaming of the world
I wish this farm would get rid of the yoke of fear
I wish this farm would get fed up with oppression and collusion and cry out
I wish there would be a little fairness
I wish there was a little justice on the plains of Shagaik...
Mohammed Ebadi
Writer, poet, thinker, critic:
“I am an Iranian in love but tired and with a past full of ups and downs and full of pain.. with a thirsty and greedy pen that beats for man, humanity, the unity of human existence, love, peace and success.. Several thousand pieces of literature in the form of new poetry and with themes of perspective, romantic, mystical, emotional, loneliness, motivational, critical, etc. But unfortunately, my time has put me in such a situation that, despite my desire, I distanced myself from writing.. and selling poems that all I think... unless I can find a way to generate income... and...”
WE WILL BEAR WITNESS to this moment in history. This media project features stories from earth's citizens, recording climate destruction, devastation, resilience and hope. Tell your story.