Our leaders have abandoned us. We are careering into destruction because the leaders of the world are battling for resources, battling to finish off what’s left. While we, powerless, uninvolved civilians, watch like zombies their killings and their plundering on tv, they ignore the consequences of their actions and inaction. They play make believe.
No doubt we’re going to hell.
Thank you, US government, Europe’s commission, World Bank, IMF, Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Google, Apple, Meta, X...
It has become painfully obvious that our leaders don’t give a shit about democracy. It has become painfully obvious that democracy (a government by the people) is a sham.
What do we elect our leaders for? It doesn’t matter. Whoever we choose will NOT fight for our interests. They will always be a tool of the “system”, the machine, the rich, the elites, or whoever has more power. And that is not us. Maybe they even feel trapped by the systems they created. Like a Frankenstein, we and they don’t know how to stop it.
Do you feel heard? Do you feel that your voice and vote count? Do you feel that your interests are at the center of your government? If yes, I think you might be an exception.
If not, then it’s time to stop believing that our leaders “care” because they don’t. Care has become such an empty word in the mouth of our leaders. So empty as the expression of condolences when yet another shooting kills innocent people in the US, for example.
We need to build something new from the bottom up. But what?
Dissolve et coagula.
Disperse and conjoin.
Destroy and rebuild.
This new study shows that an increase of 1.5 C is already here, and an increase of 2 C might be also impossible to avert.
And what our governments are planning to avoid this? Let’s see:
The UK plans to extract more oil from the North Sea.
The US sends weapons all over the world and might be complicit in a genocide in Gaza for gas, although now they are trying to clean their act by interceding for a “humanitarian cease fire.” And the way to the exploitation of oil in Alaska has been cleared by the Biden administration.
China is going great with the solar panel revolution, while at the same time “it’s coal use is raising alarms”.
And how bad are those explosions for the atmosphere? How much carbon liberates one of those bombs that Israel is dropping? Or the ones in Ukraine? How much more carbon are we sending with all these wars? You might think, oh, you stupid little bourgeois middle-aged woman sitting in your living room comfortable under a secure roof, you spoiled westerner are complaining about the effect of bombs into the atmosphere while thousands, millions of people are suffering those bombs in their flesh?
And I say: you see how it works? Divide and conquer. Instead of uniting against war all over the world, uniting to save ourselves and the planet from destruction, we keep fighting about everything. But, yeah, we cannot stop this just with words. These are conflicts that, through the centuries, we still have found no solution for. How can you stop a stone that has been thrown thousands of years ago projecting a curve going in certain direction, how do you stop it midair, how do you change its trajectory?
Grab it and put it down. But it seems that our powerful leaders are not capable of that.
On the contrary, our leaders are diligently working on the world’s destruction. They promise change with one hand, while keep extracting and destroying with the other.
Let’s stop trusting our governments. Let’s question them.
Demand that they deliver on their promises. All those “accords” they signed. What for? Just to fill up their mouths with what people wanted to hear? Make believe, again.
I think we need an Adult in the Room to stop these overreacting teenagers we have as leaders and bring some rationality and responsibility into the decision making process.
We need new leaders that care about the people and not about the business interests that ultimately, they represent.
We are a motherless ship floating aimlessly in the universe.
That is why, as for today, I propose my candidacy:
We need some Nasty Woman ethics here: Scream the truth to the four winds without pelos en la lengua (hairs in the tongue, it’s a Spanish expression).
We need truth, total honesty about what’s going on and what’s needed to solve the multiple issues. Total truth and honesty to face what’s coming. Is there a better candidate?
Vote The Nasty Woman to yell the cry of awakening: CHANGE OR WE ARE FUCKED.
The Nasty Woman will always spit the truth to your face without filters or protecting masks.
She will open your eyes and keep them open with toothpicks while she blows sand in them. Because the truth hurts and when it has hurt enough, when you have emptied yourself of all your shit and pooped in your pants scared to death of all that truth splashed open in front of you, then you will die of Truth indigestion and be born again clean and honest as a baby.
That is The Nasty Woman promise.
Maybe then we will be able to sit at a table and find solutions together.
Awash on truth we might be able to rise like the Ave Phoenix from the ashes of the old world into the new.
That is The Nasty Woman’s technique:
Wash you up on truth diarrhea, set you in flames with her angry breath and from your charred body, stripped of all your lies and selfish and egotistical (and useless, distracting) wants, faced with the ultimate death of everything you know, she will let you to die in the deserts we all have created, deserts of destruction, and then, after you have nothing else to lose, you will wake up to your new humanity. A humanity without strings attached to power and domination. A new innocence.
Maybe that is what we need: Pardon. Forgiveness.
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WE WILL BEAR WITNESS to this moment in history. This media project features stories from earth's citizens, recording climate destruction, devastation, resilience and hope. Tell your story.
"Our leaders have abandoned us. We are careering into destruction because the leaders of the world are battling for resources, battling to finish off what’s left. While we, powerless, uninvolved civilians, watch like zombies their killings and their plundering on tv, they ignore the consequences of their actions and inaction. [...] We need to build something new from the bottom up. But what?"
Well said. I am with you up to this point. But it will be difficult for anybody to agree on the next steps ... we need to find a way to organize so that we can make progress without having to agree on everything on the way ... some call it decentralized governance ... but I am not sure anybody really understands what is meant by this or how it could work out in practice.
“Our leaders“? Hardly the case. “We the People“ are entirely responsible for this eff’n debacle. “Government“ only accomplishes what WtP consent to.
Otherwise, your narrative is mostly connected to reality.